Owning and driving a car is a privilege that most people take for granted. Your vehicle is a necessity to get to work and to run errands. Having good auto insurance means that you are protected if you are in an accident or your vehicle is damaged by something beyond your control. To understand if basic auto insurance coverage is ever enough, you need to understand what basic auto insurance coverage is. At Midwest Professional Insurance, we offer affordable and reliable insurance choices to those in Kansas, Illinois, and Missouri.
In Kansas, the basic coverage every auto insurance policy must have is 25/50/25 liability coverage, which is $25,000 in bodily injury with $50,000 per accident and $25,000 in property damage. Uninsured/underinsured motorist of $25,000 and $50,000 and PIP (Personal Injury Protection) coverage. This is all valuable protection, and it covers the other motorist and yourself if you are injured, but it doesn’t cover your vehicle if you are responsible for the accident.
Basic auto insurance is enough if the value of your vehicle is minimal. If it is old or a clunker, you probably don’t need any additional coverage, but if you have a car with more than a few thousand dollars of value, collision and comprehensive coverage will make it possible to get your vehicle repaired or replaced. Comprehensive covers for things beyond just a collision, such as theft or damage due to a weather event or vandalism. If you need your car to get around, you probably should have more than just basic coverage.
If you live in Kansas or the Illinois area, our team can help you find reliable auto insurance. At Midwest Professional Insurance, we are locally owned and operated. We strive to be a trusted choice who can help make sure you get the right insurance for your needs. Give us a call or stop into our office and let us provide a no-obligation quote.